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You’ve been doing with potty training for the last couple of weeks and mommy is so proud of you. But today we’re embarking on a long road trip and much to your disappointment mommy thinks it’s best if we put you back in diapers for the trip. After all, we’ll be spending hours in the car.

In the extended version mommy breastfeeds you so your tummy is nice and full before we hit the road



Maybe a harness gets pulled out of the diaper bag at the Zoo since you are having trouble minding, holding her hand and then didn't stay close to Mommy. She just needs to keep you close, safe and help to control your excitement. If you can mind and not pull then Mommy can maybe take it off. But arguing and fussing about holding Mommies hand gets it put back on. Mommy likes how you are under control and so safe in such a busy place. And no, Mommy knows you can't take it off, you're not supposed to be able to. Your still to little to be able to get out of Mommies sight. When it's crowded Mommy will be keeping you close, but when it's not crowded Mommy will give you a little more freedom. OK little one, ready for more fun? Great! We'll see how we're doing when we are ready for lunch. Note: At lunch since you are having trouble finishing eating and trying to wander farther away, so Mommy has to use the harness to keep you at the table and less distracted so you can finish eating and continue the fun. ----- You tug on the tether/leash/reins but Mommy knew you and looped it around and reattached it so there would be no way to get loose, even though you give it a quick test. So you agree with Mommy and pay attention to eating. Of course, after lunch Mommy asks if you need to go potty. You say no, but Mommy is a little suspicious of your answer. Like the previous episode you have been doing better at potty training, but still are wearing waterproof training pants (or good nights since you're not quite ready for pull-ups) since you have had a little more trouble recently. She notices some wetness on your clothes where you leaked a little. She checks and finds you are definitely wet, so, Mommy takes you to the bathroom and, even though you don't like it, Mommy changes you into a diaper. She promises you a ride on the Merry Go Round, which you like. But being "little" Mommy or the young lady running the ride comes around and she fastens that big belt attached to the pole around you just like the other young children. To keep all of you safe and so you can't fall off, or try to get off your horse before the ride ends and you are unfastened. You are excited and want to go on everything, even rides that Mommy explains are not for "little's" like you, but are for older kids and Mommy and Daddies. Let's go back to the zoo area and see more animals and maybe get calmer again. Mommy tells you that you have been doing so well, and how proud she is of you.

Michael C

I don't need a harness to stay close to Mommy. I love being by her side and I hate the idea of being tethered. Love and nurture, not force and restrain. With respect, we each have and enjoy our own personal imagined world that accompanies the magical world Mommy Lo creates, and yet, we are mostly all well enough engraced to refrain from sharing those personal stories here. That way, we don't encroach on the fantasies of others. Occasionally Mommy Lo invites script submissions, and those would be the ideal time for you to share your take on any stories. Here above, your audacious post has sat for 5 days without receiving a single mark of approval or positive like despite the hundreds of followers passing over it. The courteous thing for you to do, would be to realise your impudent error, remove your post, and perhaps save it for a time when your ideas are invited. Kindly.


Question ... If it was so disturbing why did you read it? And just so you don't waste more peoples time, remember that no one cares what you think, say or do. And I will not entertain any further idiocy from you. If social media upsets you so easily, please seek professional help before acting rashly, or harming yourself and others. So in that vain, I am truly sorry and wish you well, since everyday life alone, must be quite a challenge for you.

Michael C

Please don't be upset. There's no need for you to force more of your silly stories on anyone. Try to understand they are only of importance to you. So in future, do your best to consider other people, work harder to fit in, and just try not to let it happen again. Kindly.


If you ever have children maybe then you will understand what it's like to have a child lost in a store, even for a minute. Or the heart stopping horror when you see your child pull away to try running across the parking lot, or when crossing a road. Trust me, harnesses are a loving thing to do as a parent, when you want to keep a child safe. With all the child predation and trafficking, I would think you would be more concerned about a child being snatched. Or getting to near something dangerous. Little hands are quick to touch, and they have no fear when young. Not to say anything about handling one that is overly active and you need them, to stay focused on the task, like eating lunch. Instead of being distracted by all the "cool" things happening around him/her. These things are all a parents nightmare when you really really love your kids. Wherever you grew up, you need to consider the world as it is TODAY. Put aside your own prejudices you have about child harnesses, and realize they are not a torture device by any means. They are for a child's safety and a parents sanity. In fact, in most cases the child quickly learns it's more comfortable than holding a parents hand, and they actually have more freedom not less. This comes into play even more when you have more than one child. What ability does a child have to explore and test their independence does a child have if they are stuck holding a parents hand, or are in a stroller? And should a parent have a special needs child, such safety measure become even more important. If you are so "woke" that you cannot understand that such things are done by plenty of parents that simply care very deeply about their children. If you visit any theme park on the east coast, you will see parents with children wearing a harness who are very happily enjoying the experience. Take the time to learn please before you make such assumptions. If you had, you wouldn't have made the ridiculing statements that you did. And lastly, In a public forum, you may come across comments that, especially when uninformed as in this case, you simply disagree with. You always have something called free-will. Free-will to stop reading something you dislike. As a paying Patron, I assert that I have the right to post comments that are within the guidelines. In no way was the comment, offensive, vulgar, etc. It was a story add-on suggestion that was also "on-topic". So please, put that over sensitivity aside, chill and join the rest of us that understand critical thinking and free-speech. You seem more than willing to embrace free speech for yourself. Please extend that same cutesy to others. Unless you happen to be the "Rules for thee, but not for me" type that is so prevalent these days. I hope you're not so, think critically, do your research, and remember free speech applies to everyone, even if you don't like or agree with it. You honestly may like it and it will assuredly make your life less stressful and hopefully even more enjoyable then I hope it is now. Kindly. 💗 🐸


Hi there! I just wanted to say I love your comment and story featuring the harness! I have such a thing for harnesses in ABDL roleplay, as you say it's not about restraint for me (like bdsm), it's about Mommy or Daddy keeping me safe in case I wonder off and don't lose them...as well as the humiliation from other people seeing I'm too little to be trusted.


Thank you Sarah. And you did a fabulous job of capturing and summarizing my feelings and those of others exactly. I hope we will see it someday. Again, just .. thank you. Oh, and in the meantime, try and be a good girl. ;-)


Michael: Wow, I incredibly dislike the attitude you're giving to somebody trying to interact with a community. I sincerely hope that the rest of this Patreon userbase isn't as gatekeepy as you are bein here.


s Schneider: I like a lot of the ideas you're having here :) Especially the last bit, I love being told I'm too little for things. It makes me so giddy inside


I just wanted to say the comment with the harness story was great and I'm glad it was there to read! Thank you for taking the time to write it @S Schneider . I'm sorry that other commenter was so rude to you, they don't represent the userbase here on Patreon in the slightest.