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Mommy and her friend Valerie are prepping for Thanksgiving dinner together while you play nicely with her baby.

As we cook I proudly tell Miss Valerie all about how well your potty training is going and how you've finally able to keep your pull ups dry all day and night. We exchange updates about our lives when we notice you starting to retreat into a corner. I ask if you need to go potty but you insist you don't.

By the time we realize what's happening it's clearly too late, you're already pushing. Mommy sternly scolds you for not going on the potty. You immediately want to be changed but Miss Valerie encourages me to let you sit in it. You're not happy about this.

In the extended version Mommy and Miss Valerie give you a spanking and put you in time out while we set up your change. It's time for you to go back into diapers like a little baby.

In next week's episode I learn that you've been stealing diapers from day care and confront you about it.



Id love it if an open opprtunity came where I could go back in diapers!