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We've tried the baba and breastfeeding, but now it's time to try some new foods. 



I'm sorry, but even for RP not sharing steak is a deal breaker!


lolll maybe I'm not as nice as I thought


I’ve tried many varieties of baby food, and I can say and agree that chicken and gravy is pretty bad. However, I would say the worst one of all is sweet potatoes and turkey. Never make Frank try it, the results will be less then pleasant.


I JUST made my little boy try baby food for the first time last week! I was nice with the flavors and had him try a jar of carrots, and one of apples and blueberries. My little made me laugh so hard with his disgusted faces. I was dying. I cannot wait to make him try chicken and gravy, lol.

Allen McGann

All of the poultry are horrible. Funny thing my cat also my kitty-cat will not eat the poultry cat food. Must be something it the processing of bird meat that does it. Besides, I love birdys and have never eat turkey or chicken in front of my cockatiel, it just seems wrong.

Foo Fighter

Perfect in every way