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What kind humiliation is fun for us and where do we draw the line? 



I think for me the line is between humiliation and degradation, for example when I'm roleplaying with my partner it gets me feeling super little when she stops me doing a normal adult task and saying I'm to little or just a baby something like that but if it turned into your to stupid to that, that would cross the line to degradation. On a side note the last time we played and she got me to feel super blushy and little was when she wouldn't let me in the kitchen because it was to dangerous for a little one (for context as an adult I'm a professional chef).

Michael Voskuil

hi everyone i have a question trying to listen to older dream a little podcasts but cant because its behind a pay wall although if im not mistakn im the highest tier as a patreon is this a glitch in the matrix or a fault of the program or do i need to pay its from episode 27 and down that i cant download any help would be greatly apprecheated (if that is the way you spell it)

Zach Burnz

Did you ever get this resolved? I am new and am facing the same issues.


I'm having the same issues and just reached out to Lo to see if the can fix anything on her end.


Joined a couple months ago and I’m having the same issue, even though I have the highest tier. Did Lo get back to you about this?