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You’ve agreed to fully commit to being my baby for the weekend despite the fact that everyone will find out. In this episode I treat you like the littlest baby and put you in a diaper.

In the extended version I sit you down with your toys and feed you a bottle while I enjoy pizza from your favorite place.



Pizza, Pizza, the build up to the party, this is great..🎈 🎉

Not I said The Guy

Just wonderful. In every sense of the concept. Mommy is having a little fun at our expense. A little tormenting just to remind us what our rightful place is. I simply cannot wait for the big party (or can I? lol) I wonder if Mommy will be using the stern voice to threaten us with a spanking? Maybe even an ACTUAL spanking? How impossibly humiliating. Every single audio gets better and better Lo. Somehow you just have that ability to know exactly what I need and just the right way to deliver it. Worst/Best of all, I'm diabetic so I really shouldn't have pizza to begin with. lol. Thank You so much for all you do Lo. Like I said before, just wonderful. Thank You for sharing your gift with us.