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Dj Cutman - Flight Club

GAR - Slam of the North Star



N.T. Stars

The bar has had an amazing run (I remember the idea first being talked about on episode 15!) I’m sad that I never got a chance to visit, as I’d planned to do in 2015, but you should be very proud of the place, Alex. People with the resolve to follow through on such a big, bold project are few and far between.


Glad I got a chance to visit last year. Wishing you all the best in your next chapter Alex.


Bummed I won't have the chance to ever make it to Critical Hit (or Japan at all) before it closes its doors, but Alex should still be proud of a great run--not many people can say they got to start their own business and run it as long as he did. I remember listening to NMW way back when Alex was still planning the bar. Time has sure flown. And Shining the Holy Ark is definitely a hidden gem!