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Oh, look who decided to have a stream again. What's the occasion, huh? Well, simple enough:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge will be out, and it has online play, and beat-'em-ups are perfect for us (second to Billion Road). So let's get together and flatten the Foot, or whatever! We're shooting for Friday night Pacific, so please watch us as usual on https://twitch.tv/NoMoreWhoppers.

But hey, we also want to hear from YOU!

Here's our idea: From now until showtime, you're invited to call our NMW hotline -- 805-NMW-TALK -- and leave a message saying which of the seven playable characters you think Ray and/or Alex should play, AND WHY! We'll tally as best we can and start the game as the leading choice(s). (No guarantee we'll stay as that character throughout, but we'll definitely TRY!)

cowadunkin', crudes


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