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Okay, uh, wow. Yeah. It's been busy, but we're going to do our first livestream of 2022! Just... well into 2022! But we would like to make it a little extra special by inviting the rest of you to play an online video game with us.

We'll be playing the PC (Steam) game called Survival Quiz City from Bandai Namco, a competitive action game with the look of Fall Guys, a splash of Jackbox, a great soundtrack, and a lot of cartoon weapons. And you don't have to buy it: there's a "Visitor's Pass" demo that will let you join any lobby (such as ours) and play with us while we stream it.

We suggest that you download the Visitor's Pass and get set up as soon as you can (it's... a few gigabytes), but we'll give you the room details when we're set up and live. Be there! Please! 8 PM on Saturday on the west coast!



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