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Chloe and Nat run through hot water like it’s free breadsticks at a restaurant… Poor Sammy’s barely able to get a taste of the stuff.

And thus, with Sammy’s meaty assets smooshed into the glass, the shower squeegee trilogy has reached its conclusion. These pieces were a nice little change of pace, and I hope you guys enjoyed them!



ARK Redeemer

Running out of hot water? I'm sorry if this sounds "weird" of me, but I didn't realise that was a thing? Do some places have a limited allotment of it or something?


(Some?) Water heaters only make so much hot water at a time. If people use hot water faster than the water heater can heat water, you "run out" in the sense that the water will all be unheated. (Whether or not this happens probably depends on the kind of water heating system and how many people that system is designed for.)


God, I lover her so damn much 🖤


I want to be behind her~


You should do a Halie one


No room left to get out of the way.