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Is this what it means to go beyond?

Here we have Momo and Jiro, winners of this month’s Continuation Poll!

Check out the link below to see the original piece:

You can find an Explicit Edit of this piece here!




Eyyy, super nice stuff here! Aside from the fact that more MHA from you is based, I really love the slight texture that your shading has and the shapes you used here are great!



Bigby Lies

Beautifullllll, love these two in your style. Fantastic stuff!


Can hardly tell that that's Momo because of her not being in her uniform and her hair being down instead of it being tied the way it normally is. Only know it's her because she's using her quirk and that Jiro's there. Anyway, the streaks from her fingers lifting her belly are nice.

Matthew Allen

Yeah, without her iconic hair, with new clothes and different body shape she looks like an oc or some other character.


It's actually a canon outfit and hairstyle for her: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/676611361593229334/1118954237871788152/image.png


So it is, but my point is that this outfit doesn't stand out like her hero costume does, so I think this is less impactful then it could've been (although it is more original then her being in her hero costume).

Matthew Allen

It may be canon but it's in no way a popular look for momo. It's like if someone tries to cosplay for a con dressed as Goku with the suit he wore 1 time. It's fine but it's an odd choice.


Personally, I like it when a lot of these characters from known IPs or Flavor-of-the-Month characters don't look like their most iconic self. Because it makes them look like someone new or different, I don't get worn out seeing the unintended fetishization of some other artist's creation.


To a point where it's difficult to recognize them though? I'm all for putting characters in different outfits, but I think the character should still be recognizable while in different clothing. Something like keeping their hair style is oftentimes enough to tell it's them.


This one looks amazing. Really love the shape and just the right about of chubbiness in the face.

Griffin Burgers

She's become so massive! Momo is so beautiful as a huge fatty. Her huge double belly and chunky limbs look so soft🥰😍


Love the story beat of them having her save off of using powers too much to try and max the scale. Cute character beat!