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Farfalla Of Fate

Great work on that Kurisu! Always love to see her big and stuffed!


holy shit is the 2nd one in middle row a HUGE Sammy??? Who's dreaming of her??? Make their dreams come true!

Josie Baird

Ohhhhh that peach one better get sketch upgrade next time ‘round!


The girl in fishnets and the Senran Kagura duo are crying out for an upgrade!


How do characters get nominated?


Oh yeah and Batgirl looks amazing too!

Bailey G

love it when you do fishnets!

Stavros Karatsoridis

My guess would be that these are the character sketches that people in the Super-Fat Tier ($25 a month) are able to request on a monthly basis (this would also explain why that tier is currently sold out, as Salt likely only has a limited number of "slots" available each month to do the sketch requests.


These sketches are for people who are on my $25 tier. They get to request one sketch a month. I also have the monthly Private Sketch Poll where people on the $10 tier get to nominate their ideas for sketches: https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-22-10-75185140 Hope this helps explain how my sketches work!


Salt you just blow my mind with every new post, these sketches all look soo damn good


Ahhhh ok thank you for explaining! I’ll keep in mind if I end up being a position to do that later on!