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I'm sick, so I'll be taking it easy for a few days. That means no stream tonight and later streams will be decided on the day. I'll still fulfill my Patreon obligations for the month when I am able. Hopefully I'll recover quickly and be back in action soon! 



I hope that you have a great recovery and get better soon. You are my absolute favorite artist and I only wish the best for you. Good luck and think positive 🥰

The thicc connoisseur

Take a rest king! You deserve it. Hope you get well soon!


Get well soon!!!

Brand Mark

take care bro, first your health, since you are one of my favorite artists to draw fatties and the artists that I admire the most.


Hope you feel better soon!

Mr Finnagan

It's the worst news! The fat creator has taken ill! But rest assured, members of The Order of the Belly, with the combined might of our monthly monetary donations, we can nurse BWS back to health!


Take care of yourself, Salt. Physical health is always a first in these situations. Wishing you speedy and powerful recovery. Rest easy man.