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Busy keeping the couch warm too.




Aww I feel bad now


I love this comic but these past few pages have been making me feel bad

T. Clark

Loudly hoping for a full body belly drop panel before the end


Big girl doing sports is a marvelous sight Also hey is that a smile I see on the bottom? (I know she’s just talking but still) I’m hoping she ends up loving herself because damn I feel bad for Sammy


I think everyone feeling bad for Sammy really underscores how well-written this whole comic is. You get so invested in this character.


May I request that we see a shot of her in her undies from when she was skinny to compare to now? We only saw her fully clothed when she was skinny. :)

Spectral Spider

The emotions you were able to draw and show on her face are so well done here ! Especially cool to see that she tried to keep up with her former position on the tennis team even till now but she’s just not able to keep up anymore. Also incredibly well done is just how soft her face is now as you’ve given her such a round face with a hint of double chin beginning.

Sam Allen

Aww… Hope we get to see her get fatter with a double chin.


Really loving how she is looking. And how you draw her and how you show so much emotion it's excellent. I also love the detail that those are basically the exact same poses as the second page.


Hopefully Sammy comes to terms with her love of gluttony and hedonism. Maybe find some friends into it as well


Those action poses are so well done and really convey how much she struggles to keep up. Poor marshmallow girl ^^'