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At least everything isn't spilling out now.



Captain Rocko

I'm gonna be honest, I think she looks pretty good in that outfit.


poor Sammy :(


She looks so hot dressed like that

Spectral Spider

The implications to those around her of her gain has finally come. It’s nice to see that her friends are trying their best without being rude (hopefully). This is probably the hardest the reality of her gain has hit her, and it will be very interesting to see what her response initially is. I’d imagine though, that despite this wake up call she’ll continue down her gluttonous path. Really excellent work Salt !

Spencer Soule

"At least everything isn't spilling out." I hate to point out grammar mistakes, but you're missing a 'yet' at the end of that sentence. 😋😉


I’d be shocked with how great her body has become hahah…

Blade Ballet Productions

Now if only her tits would stop soaking up all the fat and her belly would get some.


Love this. Can’t wait to see her boobs get so much bigger. As well as her belly


I like how the silhouettes on the webpage are outlines of art you’ve done, it’s a nice touch


Looking beautiful to me. Great art. Perhaps she’ll be as big as my girlfriend one day… she’s nicely huge.

Josie Baird

Still holding out hope that she gets to like her body by the end of this series