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Please suggest bellow one of my pieces you'd like to see a continuation of!


Some Dude

I would like to suggest Best Gift for Last with Lucy having finished the cake and rolled up her belly a rub. Maybe a second cake is or some snacks are being brought out as she’s licking the last of the cake off of her fingers and she looks all surprised and excited.


Continuation of your super old Asuna picture ( it was like your 4th oldest post on deviantart and I was the one who commissioned it back then ^^) this time way fatter.


Hardcore gainer, maybe have Sophia finished all the donuts and fallen asleep in a food coma in some cute way.

Captain Rocko

I would love to see a part 2 for Grand Waistline. Seeing Nami on Whole Cake Island where the entire island is edible and everything is alive and wants to be eaten. At this point, Nami would be massive, immobile and helpless to stop the living food from jumping into her mouth and stuffing her silly!

Drew Cornog

I am feeling ‘Chloe’s new bikini’. Maybe show off highlights of the water park with Chloe suffering a swimsuit malfunction while Nat is snickering at the karma.

Pat Boone

I would love to see a sequel to a Goddess’ indulgence. Having enjoyed a couple of meals and has gotten quite big, close to 350. Definitely stuffed full of food from a big meal


Black Forest Birthday

Sullied Grace

Winry already had a part 2 so Im going to change to "A Grizzly Sight", with Grizzly trying to do some police work with a half eaten doughnut in one hand and a trail of boxes behind her.


How about a sequel to Pocky Game: Plus Ultra: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pocky-game-plus-33569601 With Momo's waistline not being the only one affected by those plus size pocky games.


I'll go with curious curves then!


Again, Filling Out Her Role. Nicole continues to rise up the ranks of being a chef, while adjusting her uniform accordingly...until her body adjusts it itself.


Kumiko in A flat major. Considerably wider but still no improvements up top


Maybe a continuation of whats’s 20 more when you had a 100


Hey, I'd like to try and keep my girls out of these polls from now on to let other pieces get the chance. Have you got any other pieces in mind?


Hey, I'd like to try and keep my girls out of these polls from now on to let other pieces get the chance. Have you got any other pieces in mind?


Sorry, that piece was a continuation from a few months back and I'd like to wait a little longer till that one gets a followup. Is there another piece you can think of?


A continuation of Stuffed to her Scales with Miia in her regular outfit https://www.deviantart.com/garo123456/art/Miia-Monster-Musume-anime-776340315 and she's 450 pounds and eating a piece of cake


That was specifically for a story and I'd rather not draw a continuation for that reason. Have any other suggestions?


Overeating and overheating! Have her significantly bigger after going through all that ice cream, raiding her fridge for even more sugary cold treats to stuff herself with!


Flirting with the Fitness Fatty, after they've had that lunch.


What's 20 More When You've Already Had 100?


Hey there! The commissioner has plans to do a continuation of this piece in the future. Do you have another piece you'd like to see?


The commissioner is going to be continuing that in the future. Is there anything else you want?


Okay, how about Part-time Worker, Full-time Snacker?

Bigby Lies

Always really wanted to see a continuation to your old Hypnotized Sheik piece

Inran 19

Geass of gluttony, maybe joined by another huge code geass girl in a bunny suit


Automeal mechanic but winry is a lot bigger and it's getting hard for her to move


Sorry, but that was an upgrade from a few polls back so I'd like to wait a bit till I add her back too the poll. Can you think of any other piece you'd like to see?


Filled With Christmas Spirit