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First of all, I wanted to let sketch patrons know that there's been a delay in the completion of the sketches but I'm working to get those finished and posted! Thank you all for your patience!

Next, as most of you probably already know, this sketch of Momo Yaoyorozu won the sketch-to-full-color poll:

Thirdly, the "Mountain of Meat" drawing is getting a second panel/lewd edit, by request of the commissioner. I will not be sharing the WIP here yet.

Here are some other commissions that I have coming down the pipeline:

And that's the current list of new things to expect!

There's also the possibility of a surprise thing, but I'm not 100% on if I'll be able to fit it in yet so don't bet on it. I'm gonna try though!

Thanks everyone for reading and stay safe out there! These are rough times but we'll get through!


David Oh

And thank you to Salt, for bringing us so much pleasure with your lovely art this month as well👍 Hope to see more of your fantastic art on April as well!


I am a simple man. I see chubby snek and I am happy.


Fat monster girls by you, practically perfect.