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Uh oh.

Jazz is starting to display some concerning symptoms.

...Im sure she'll be fine...probably



Sabrina Liney

Oh no poor jazz, shes going to forget so many things I hope the cheerleading team are going to be nice to her


Baby Star diapers? Say, that wouldn't have anything to do with a certain lynx, would it?


Star, Unka Martin and Auntie Kim must have gone into the diaper business. Star would make a very cute diaper model, if these all take place in the same world.


they’re rated 10 bunnies. Or.. issit that it takes 10 bunnies to make each diaper? It could be either really..


Ohh that’s a curious question! Squiggles! ☺️ Has there been any overlap in one particular “universe” between any of your stories? Or is each story kinda its own “universe”? It may be going a bit deep on this question.. 😅 But it would be interesting to hear! :3


Lol I see all the puns “star diapers” and “squiggles” love it hehe