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Bit random huh.  New comic. Based on an old story I wrote years and years ago going by the same name.  This comic has forced mental regression in it so if you don't like that, then maybe give this a skip.  I've been working on and off this in my very limited free time and have enough pages I can start posting them here. I'm not sure on the upload schedule just yet, maybe a page a week maybe a page every 2 weeks.  We shall see.




Excellent start love those expressions


No joke this is the story that mad me realize my live for all this i wasnt sure if i wanted to keep being in the cummunity the i found this story


Ironically enough it was the original found comic that got me into all this thank you for sparking such a big part of my life in existence


Oh wow!! I had no idea you wrote this story but I ran into it years ago and it made something click inside me, I finally figured out that I enjoy a new side of regression. Really excited to see this comic :)