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It's July.  Holy heck it's almost christmas.

 I really remember my spinny animal noise thing as a child. ....Actually what do you call those things? Anyway interesting toy. Wonder what noises it'll make...




Hmm.... Star won't be able to think like the typical soldier she's trained to be. She'll need to set her mind to a POW looking to escape / a guerilla fighter once she does. That or a pirate and just steal a ship.


“The [unintelligible groaning and sputtering] goes: [demonic screeching and cackling noises]… O.O


The Plot Thickens! Are those just really weird looking animals on there to entertain! Or is it so much worse then just being in a weird country!!!


Oh jeez even the flora and fauna are odd. This quite the predicament. I don’t think star will ever find a way out. Guess she has no choice but to accept it at this point.


Love the layout of the panels on this page! I love seeing your skills improve, it’s so dramatically different from years ago.


I know that this comic was finished a while ago. But I think that she might’ve been isekai-ed. she was hit by a truck off screen and she’s in an alternate world where adults can be adopted and infantilized.


Yup, Star is adorable, even when she is mad ❤️