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At the weekend I was at a pawpet puppet show rehersal with Felix (who is here I think), anyway Felix totally gave me a lollipop and it made me feel like I was in the comic for real life LOL It was really sweet, Felix and the lollipop :D  Im not even sure if you can get green lollipops anymore or if they even smell/taste like marker pens anymore, probably had illegal enumbers or something, probably were made of asbestos cause most things were back then, but they were definitely my favourite.




I'm with Star on this one. I 100% would be worried that I did something wrong @__@


Omg I totally forgot about the lollipop thing in the comic when I gave that to you! xD The huge smile on your face when I put it in your hands was incredibly cute :3

Jenny cutie

The way Kim and Em look at each other… it feels like there is some unpleasant history to be revealed.


No Star you’re not in trouble the band is. But your auntie and uncle want to be honest with you. But I know that foreboding feeling from the words we have to talk!


ohhhhh boy i think were about to get some more info about there past little that they had


The unpleasant past is about to come out, for Uncle ‘Em, and Auntie Kim. This isn’t your fault Star, so you get a hug 🤗


Had to recheck I thought Em was baked in the second panel 😂


I’m curious what is a pawpet show?? :)