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The cat is once again out of the bag.

Star seems as bad at keeping secrets as she is at sneaking.



Jared Godwin

Haha, it figures that she found out about it. Love the portrayal of the supportive teasing


Ten pages away from the 500th milestone congratulations Star


they sent flyers to the whole town?? gosh that’s cruel.. :<


Ok that’s just mean I feel bad for Star and I have a very bad feeling when her dad sees this :(


I wonder whose got Star's six? I wonder if we, and Star, will be surprised by who else shows up in diapers, or by how many show up in diapers?


It seems that Elly is enjoying this though, I hope she can reassure Star that it's ok


I didn't realize how far out of control this had gone when Marrel set up this event. Now we get to see how much support Star really has, so let Big Sister Elly come Star.


Star is still new to all of this and Elly hasn't known for a very long time, so it makes perfect sense for star not to want her to be there. Star is clearly not comfortable with the idea of Elly actually seeing her in baby gear.


I have a feeling Elly might still come to support her roommate. Good friends are hard to find sometimes and Elly is a true friend.


I sure hope Elly says something supportive