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I need to do more stuff for all tiers on this thing. specifically for the $5 dollar tier as everyone above teh $10 is seeing all the full res pages and artwork ive been working on.  

I've decided starting next thursday I will be doing all day long livestreaming on picarto for patreons only.  this will be a mix of freebies and commissions. No matter what tier you are on you'll beable to get to this.  I'll also be doing a monthly desktop pic and returning with the YCH slots randomly pics throughout the patreon tiers as ive realised the lower tiers have been neglected quite a bit

Also for those who have tiers that let you get artwork please NOTE me on babystar on my FA or contact me via toddlergurl@yahoo.co.uk  to let me know what you want drawn.  Do not use the message centre here as i dont trust it as various things over teh course of my patron life have gone missing through that system so please use Furaffinitys babystar note system thankyoo heaps. If you dont get in contact and let me know what you want... obviously I cant draw it. 

I am also going to be creating physical things (like stickers/bookmarks/prints/t-shirts) to send folk this'll be at a $50 tier (no extra cost for shipping) 

Im halfway caught up with shine pages (did 6 this month) im about to be doing a million pages of found too to catch up.  You'll also be getting concept sketches of "the exchange" characters coming soon (the comic that will be replacing Found, as found is pretty much in its last 20 pages or so) 

ill also be doing the whole charging new folk the minute they subscribe thing that seems to be a new thing here to stop people joining then unjoining once theyve got all the stuff they want.  



Yay i cant wait.


Are you doing that streaming thing? I worry that I missed the link... ^.^


I don't have the stream link either