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First off as an update.  I'm thinking im finally getting on the mend with the weird flu/chest infection thing Ive had since Dec the 29th Im feeling a lot more like myself so I can finally I think start concentrating on Art and concentrating on all the things i havent been able to for the past 2 weeks.

Thanks for being patient with me.  Anyway sorry this page of Shine looks proper scrappy I drew it a couple of days ago and well..like I mention above, i've been ill so the quality is proper pants, but at least one comic is on time this week...




I think he just wants her away from him now 😂


this is a trap

Kitty Angel

That was my first thought. As long as she's there, the consequences of his actions are hanging over his head.


Yeah and she kinda has power over him with that video and stuff. He knows if he wants to not live in fear, then he needs her out of there. But he can't just fire her or something


Is he sending her to N.U.R.S.E.R.Y?


Sammy: I think everybody is totally ok if you just let us know that you're sick and skip the comics for that time. There's this concept of sick leave, are you aware? Everybody sometimes needs a break. Best wishes and take the time you need!


Mariel’s I swear to gosh, if you are sending her to this task force to get back at her…🔥🧨💀👹😈👿


His body language doesnt seem to indicate anything of the sort. If he was trying to get back to her, he would be gloating or otherwise smug about sending her to the taskforce. I think he just wants her away, because the power dynamic is no longer the same and would be awkward for everyone involved. Doesn't lead to good work ethics.


Maybe, but he is kind of trapped as long as she stays there now. So he may just want to put all that in the past and ensure he can get on with his life.


Isn’t aunti Tess on the task force hehe


Task force sounds ominous 😬


Worried that task force means being sent far away from new little family.


Probably means being reassigned. Now that he's not in a position of power over her and can't be a jerk lest Tess come down on him...he probably wants her as far away as possible so he can still pretend he's in control. Jerk face that he is


So you got me sick with this weird flu and chest thing! Oddly enough started about then too... spicous...


From a military perspective. This is very good news. It means more opportunities to prove yourself and get promoted. I don't sense any malice here.


Possibly a good thing.. but could also mean relocation. And after all that Star had gained in the time we’ve known her.. that wouldn’t be good :<


I mean.. that would likely count as a special task force. 😅