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Stars sneaking skills are about as right as we expect them to be at this stage of the comic. 

Maybe that's how the comic will end, her successfully sneaking past something




So cute I love it


Lol Either she never learned any stealth techniques while in the service, or, more likely, she wasn't paying much attention when they taught that sort of thing! XD


You know I had the same thought as Star in the first panel when I was standing in the middle of my kitchen getting water one morning in just a t-shirt and diaper (still live at home with family.) Though at least in my defense I had just woken up and was pretty hungover so I was half way down the stairs before I even realized I wasn't wearing anything over my diaper.


She does know she could have put on a pair of shorts or even a towel to be more disguised than needing full stealth lol but love she is in full littlespace talking to Bob.


Looks like Ellie is a little embarrassed by the situation


Star legit keeps rolling Nat 1s for stealth.


This is so cute, I this is Star turns around they would both be blushing


Well, this is going to end with two heads with steam coming out of the ears! Good Luck Star!!!!!


I can't hardly wait til next week. Will Star see Elly? Would that ruin, or impact story time? If Elly isn't noticed, will she tell Star how cute she was talking to Bob in her diapers in the morning? So many questions


Gosh I really hope Ellie doesn't get all upset and awkward, she *did* say it was fine for Star to be out and about... Didn't expect it so soon tho! 😅


Maybe Kim and Martin will read to Ellie too after they both blush bright red hehe


👆 that's the good stuff😁


It's possible that Elly will tell Star to hurry on to bed. Aunty and uncle are waiting to read her a bedtime story