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Ah a page doesnt happen for 2 weeks and this is what you get for your wait.  Sorry its not an exciting page and also sorry its not particularly well drawn...actually its prolly one of teh weakest pages ive done of teh remake so far..but hey it's done and outta the way and soon gonna get back to the good stuff.




I liked it. It's a good jump sequence.


i wonder how much drag Gem's tail generates in a free fall


true fact, squirrels cant reach terminal velocity so actually if we were going by squirrel standards, that parachute on gems back is pointless. Luckily she is human sized so I don't thing those rules apply so keeping the parachute is probably a good plan


Squishy landing or squished landing?


I think the critical point is that squirrels (and quite a few other small animals) have a non-lethal terminal velocity in Earth's close-to-ground-level atmosphere. How un-scathed they escape still depends on how well they land, but squirrels are pretty good at landing properly. However, a human-sized squirrel would have a rather higher terminal velocity, and so would most definitely need that parachute in order to survive the fall...