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I'm doing it again. Sorry. More shine less CTN. My brain is a bit unfocused at the moment when it comes to comics so Shine just feels easier to draw.  I promise Ill get back to CTN and Found and all the other comic projects very soon. But for now ave an extra Shine page.




Aaaaa yes! My roommate and I both can wear diapers and stuff around each other and not have to hide anything. The feeling of being open with a roommate like that and being able to be little and comfortable in your own home is magical. This page is amazing!


*happy dance* Yeah she doesn't need to hide happy day happy day


When i moved in with my nesting partner, I told her everything. I was done hiding, and would rather find the problem before moving in together. She doesn't "get" it, but she doesn't need to. She is cool with it.


Hiya, im a new patron and I found this comic yesterday and read the till the latest page and I absolutely love it! I really relate to it and I can't wait to see what you do next!


I love the look of relief when she realizes she doesn't have to hide her little side at home anymore. Now she just needs to get some more diapers, and to replace her coloring book and crayons.


I love how you showed Star's relief at not having to hide anymore, like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. Perhaps Elly will pop off to the store and get Star a baby bottle, you know, just in case. Also, um, before you upload this page to FA, you might want to change "this morning", to "last night" in the second thought bubble


I have the feeling Elly is gonna be the mommy type person for Star


Ahhhhh that emotional slump of release is _so_ good <3


It is such a liberating feeling to know your roommate just wants you to do what makes you happy. I just ordered my roommate a 2m tall Snorlax plush. It cost nearly $200, but it's his favorite Pokemon. He's not bothered by me walking around in just a diaper, sometimes with a pacifier in my mouth. We've been friends for 20 years, and have lived together for almost 13 years. That's some kind of relationship. I don't know what, but I'm ace and that's good enough for me.