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It's not Friday...Do not adjust your calander settings.  But I'm still pretty frikkin poorly and concentrating on comics is proving more than I can tackle right now. I just so happen to have this page of Shine already done so you can have this instead of CTN today and hopefully by friday I can pull a CTN page together...or maybe you'll get double Shine this week....I dunno I havent worked things out that far yet. But here have a random Shine page for today. Sorry for the upset in the schedule.




I hope you are feeling better soon if you need to take a break. Better a break than a breakdown. I love Star and Elly in the last tile it’s so cute 🥰.


This page. Mah hart mah soul. Also get well soon!


if we're extra lucky maybe it could be an extra page of Housebroken


Sadly I can't speed up that one as the delivery of those is when they time out of cushypen. So the uploading of those is very locked in


Oh I hope it's a double shine week 😁 I'm sure others have said this plenty of times but shine is exactly what I wish my life was like 😅


Love this comic but Squiggle your fine, don't push yourself to hard


No need to push yourself! Do what you need to do and we the fans will be here for whatever you post. :)


Best wishes on getting better and take the time you need to feel and be your best.


Don’t over work yourself hon and hope you feel better soon


Stars wall is down♥️


OK this got me to sniffle and tear up.


Aw. I have done that exact move when someone is kind to me. Just talking like normal and then WHAM! Crying hug.