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I don't mean to keep ending on cliff hangers I promise.  I think often when you learn something new about someone, you maybe hafta mull it around in your head for a day or two just until it settles into old information.  Things always seem so extreme right at the beginning, but once the dust settles you usually realise there was nothing to make a fuss about at all.




I think you mean once the fluff settles


The tension... I hope it's a good outcome...!

Jared Godwin

I understand why you keep ending on high tension cliffhangers and as a reader, I am willing to be very understanding. A part of that understanding stems from the fact that, outside of a moment like that, I can actually break down the situation and analyze it psychologically. I think I already know how it will probably end considering the fact that you are a writer who stays true to your characters and writes mostly realistically. Despite that, you don’t have to string the tension like a well tuned piano.


Why are you apologizing for a cliff hanger Star? It's what keeps readers interested. They all the more want to know what happens next. Though I'll admit.... kinda don't wanna wait a week for the next page, but I will have to bare with it.


I think we may see Aunty Elly as she’s always been kind of protective of Star, does seem to enjoy caring for her.


Because I accidentally glanced at the text in the last panel before I'd read that far down the page, for a brief moment I thought that Elly was offering to give Star a change!


You are the queen of cliffhangers


Gah!!!! A week till we learn more! This part of the story has me so on the edge of my seat!!!!!


I wonder if Star is ticklish? I hope they'll be able to hug it out. I also hope Elly will encourage Star not to hide in her bedroom when she's wearing her diapers, and it's OK for her to give into her baby side


NOOO!! You can't leave us hanging like this!


Star sure is wiggling in her seat right about now, and Elly is definitely going to be understanding and I believe happy that star has found herself, this won't be bad😊


I think things will be alright, but.... the ANXIETY TIL NEXT WEEK IS KILLER