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Yeah the dog's gone and done it now.  Making an enemy of Bob is not the cleverest of moves. If you're gonna attack the duckbeaver you need to make sure you finish the job.




R.I.P Star and Bob.


I'm more surprised Fee was able to open up that floorboard to get to the stuff.

Kitty Angel

That's what I was thinking; not an easy place to get into. Unless the corner of a blanket/rug or something got snagged under the floorboard as she was closing it; then a good tug would send it flying.


Awww I liked that doggy too bad Bob is going to destroy them


Wow, this sounds like a common page out of my life, this just proves how deep of a friend Elly really is, they both didn't want this. I have a feeling that this will only strengthen their relationship. And as for Fee....Bob is pissed......


Elly is an awesome friend. Star is blessed I say.


No treats for a month now that you’ve messed with Bob


Just tell her the truth star might help down the road since she already knows of your “spanking” kink lol


I wonder if she’s realizing what she said before and feeling bad about it.


didn't she mean 457? the kitten needs to know her number better XD


once upon a time. this girl I was dating had a dog. said dog ate the fluff. pooped fluff for a week. lol


I do wonder how the conversation is gonna play out. I have my suspicions of how it might go, and will admit that I hope it goes that direction, but Squiggle is known for surprising you when you least expect it. I mean, for all we know, Elly has a secret life of being a caregiver, be she a mom or aunt caregiver, which "could" explain why she was on the defensive when she met Martin for the first time. But that's just me hypothesizing, I look forward to the next page Squiggle.


I would kind of like to see a caregiver Elly


Nooooo not bob!


Why does Star have a gas mask on her shelf? It seems a bit random.


Oh no poor Bob, Star be a good solider and call a medic. I think this will work out with Elly if Star is honest with her friend. She's been with Elly most of her life so she should understand, and maybe they'll be closer after this.


Pretty sure that Elly is going to understand, kinda. I have like three friends who know about my little side. They play along some times but largely they just shrug it off as part of who I am.


Will Star's dream on page 60 come true?


If you're gonna attack the duckbeaver you need to make sure you finish the job. Is that a challenges?