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Sorry this is a little later than normal.  I was camping in a field for 3 days and that tends to not be  a very tech savvy place to draw art. 

I changed the words and layout a little to the original, but mostly the shop still sucks.  I cant get the hang of populating backgrounds to not look naff...Still its still an improvement on the original i think maybe. 




https://www.furaffinity.net/view/7116799 oh here's the original


Is it that the shop sucks or that she's found something to suck in the shop?


Is this particular field you were camping in full of witches and hippy-folk dancing naked in front of fires by anychance? 🤔


The shops much improved from the first. If you’re have trouble try drawing the negative space, I know it sounds weird but I found it works for backgrounds. I was once able to draw ☹️ before MS. Otherwise I guess it will be Gem sucking on her pacifiers


Excuse me but you spelt "attacched" wrong on the second panel. The word has one 'c' not two. Just so that you know before you put it on FA.