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Really super happy with those top two frames.  Been really enjoying drawing recently...well I always enjoy it but like I mean super super enjoying it and i think thats really helping to make the art look better than normal anyway...have a shine page.




Aw, she looks so regressed and tiny in that top down shot 🥺🥺 that's how you know a change has been a success


me and the word 'the..teh'...just never seem to get along these days...ill fix that before its posted on FA


Can't hide that purring. Lol


Oh it just gives it character :3 lols To be honest I didn’t even notice it until you pointed it out here.. 😆


Gotta love being immersed in regressed headspace like that, it must be really nice <3 But you can really see the sadness in her eyes in realizing she’ll have to go back to real life.. :< Hopefully Auntie Kim and Unka Em can help cheer up Star when they finally have to drop her off.. 🥺


Is there another way to view these files without downloading Dropbox? There’s no link to view the image without downloading the app anymore and apparently my iPhone 10 is too old to support it. Maybe I’ll try my laptop when I get home.


It should say download the app...or go to the website, scroll right to the bottom. I don't believe Dropbox is getting rid of their website so it should Def be an option


The “go to website” button isn’t showing up for me anymore 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, they unfortunately removed the button now. It’s app only from now on.


Interesting I have iPhone and it still gives me the option to continue to website. Wonder what’s different


yeah, they removed the go to website button now. Might need to find another way for some folks to get the comic.


For those like me not seeing the button, I just closed that prompt and I was taken to the website


There should be a little x in the top right corner that you can click on that closes the prompt. Basically the same thing, they just made it less obvious.


I have an iPhone 11 and still see continue to website which works. Aww what a cute time star is having but poor star in the last panel she just realized her fun reality is about to come to an end :(


Awww back home. Poor lil bean.


I had to download the app. Didn’t want to, but did so I could view.


Nothing kills a good time like realizing that it's soon about to come to an end


The “X” is invisible on my screen for some reason. But that worked. Thanks.


Star has to go back to reality eventually, but there is next weekend.