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Do you guys prefer the whole...You get a folder at the end of the month crammed with everything i've done for that month.  Or would you prefer being drip fed stuff throughout the month.  I personally prefer the folder option as its neat and tidy but does anyone else have any thoughts on the matter...or care? 

Ive also decided that instead of doing 5 YCH poses of 4 slots each each month Im gonna do 2 ych poses, one adult one baby 5 slots each so theres 10 ychs up for grabs each month.  Thats made my workload less and therefore more chance for more CTN pages.

finally talking about CTN Found is rapidly coming to a close.  I'm going to be replacing Found with a brand new comic called "The Exchange"  But obviously my goals for this patreon are  To produce 4 pages of found and four pages of shine a month (last month I failed that for the first time but if you go to augusts dropbox folder now, those pages are now complete)   So once found is out of the way (lol kick it to the curb)  Would you prefer 4 pages of shine, 2 pages of CTN and 2 pages of The exchange  or would you prefer 4 pages of shine and 4 pages of The exchange and CTN will continue to be free for whenever i get round to doing it. 

I also have another comic i am working on alongside another artist, it's early days but its gonna be fun once that all kicks off.



As for your frist question I think the folder is a nice way to go, and for the second opinion I think the 4 pages of Shine, 2 and 2 of the other comics would be great then we at least get a page of each comic a month. :)


For updates, I would say folders every two weeks. That way we still get good sized updates but we get them a bit more frequently. Easier for you than drip feeding us updates as they happen but better for us as well feel like we are getting more.


I like Muarauder's idea of split folders. While I am sure a single end of the month dump is easier for you it is a bit overwhelming on this end especially since a few different artists I support have turned to it so I am buried in content at the start of each new month then things go silent from the artists. I think the 4,2,2 is probably the better long term option. But for a couple months running a 4,3,1 might be better received. Perhaps 4 Shine, 3 CTN, 1 exchange and then announce a 4 Shine, 1 CTN, 3 exchange the next month to help pull us quickly into the new story world and its characters. Then you can settle out to a 4,2,2 for the long haul.


It gives me a much better feeling of being involved if I see activity as it happens rather than in a lump after the event. I also like a fairly steady rate of comic pages.


Do it the way you feel best. Also I'd say on the comic topic: do it as you feel the easiest. Don't strain yourself, don't stress yourself. I'm happy that you have fun with it and I don't want you to overdo it - just do it as you are fine wi th :)


I'm fine with the monthly folder dumps fwiw. I've generally already seen the comics before you put the folder out, but that doesn't matter to me. The high res stuff just satisfies my digital hoarder mentality >.


I agree smaller folders twice a month would be nice. I like how you've been handling the comics so far so keeping the foundation whenever is fine


I think the folders with everything inside from that month does the job very nicely ^^ I am so glad that you have so many great ideas for the comics, both the upcoming one and the one that are already rolling (in loss of other words to use right now). When found is out of the way, I hope you go for the 4 pages of shine, 2 pages of CTN and 2 pages of the exchange solution :) but your art rock either way or frequency it comes in :)


I agree with the folder idea. and 4 shine and 2 and 2 of the others would be great!


I would love to see more CTN myself.


I would like the 4 shine and 4 of The exchange