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So apologies but Ive been away for the best part of a week and so there will be no CTN today as...well..I havent started drawing it yet.  I am going to be drawing Shine first (as i havent started drawing this weeks one of those yet either)  and once that's done I'll do CTN so hopefully when its ready ill post it so it'll be on a random day this week. So to placate the angry hordes expecting a CTN page, you can have a Housebroken page instead (as these were drawn a year ago so totally cheating here :D




I had a feeling she would be getting punished somehow, something tells me the punishment ain't gonna be pretty considering what Star...er...I mean...."Daisy" did XD.


Hehe squiggle I hope you had fun at fuzzycon :)


"What the fuck was that" 🤣🤣🤣, I'm dying, what's a fitting punishment for a toddler 🤔, I wonder if they'll ever break it down for her or if they'll always stay in character....😁


At least she didn't say that out loud lol, definitely would have made things worse


Or better....


Uh oh. Looks like Star, or Daisy, won't be the only one getting punished


I think Blake might only be giving Star a punishment, everyone else might get nothing more than a warning to not let an escape happen again


omg that innocence on her face and then the immediate realization, too perfect 😅