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Another page when myself and Star allign.  I will do everything in my power to stop myself being in humiliating situations.  I am such a chicken. I def survive by hiding behind other people most of the time.  Still looks like something's been found to occupy her time while she waits....




I totally get how embarrassing it could be to have to go admit you did a kids quiz/test to strange adults


Hmm, that ride is kinda smol....😂


I'm surprised the baby has kept herself dry for this long


Especialy when there was also an adult quiz as an option she could have taken


One admission or an extended long ride where all can see me. I’ll take the fast admission thank you


Hehe poor star - hmm to be blushy for the kiddy test or be blushy for the kiddy ride decisions decisions :p


Despite how 'adult' it is I always think it's super cute when we see Star's tongue piercing. It's probably the juxtaposition of her current outfit, but it's like a little reminder there is a big girl in there somewhere.


What is Derek supposed to be? He looks a lot like the Pokémon Applin, but that's just a worm in an apple and that seems like an odd choice of something to sell at an aquarium gift shop.


It's cute watching Star trying to choose how to be little and be big. I love her response in this one, I love to see her have a nice ride.


Looks like star is about to have a moment to reflect on her happiness and whale-being :p