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I was just checking to see if anyone was paying attention.  You all passed.. It had zero to do with me being an idiot...  *looks around sheepishly to see if anyone is buying that excuse*

https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwqktr6dwjfq4iv/pg436.png?dl=0  Have this page as your reward instead



It is a hard balance to strike, staying loving and wholesome while also being endlessly teasing and pushing buttons. But you certainly hit the mark Star


daww.... but i kinda hope at some point she gets that "punishment" of being too little for solid food.... ok... maybe she would melt from that blush lol


Wow 2 shine pages in 1 day i sure am a lucky duck :P


I... uhh, yeah 👉👈 love being teased like that too, such a mood that makes me a blushy mess tooo


Shine: A comic where a certain kitty has interest in ABF/ANR however always gets so blushy to admit it openly :P :B. And wow, keep it up, heading to that mighty 500. Certanly a good comic keeping me interested and entertained <3. Gotta love to see the emotional rollercoaster mixed with the kink


selling tuna at an aquarium is kinda disturbing XD


Maybe they should check to be sure she's dry? Lol Also, every time I think this comic can't get any better you somehow manage to do it.


I remember seeing swordfish on the menu at a restaurant in seaworld and felt really bad


I wouldn't feel so bad. Swordfish can at least go down fighting.


Don’t give pudge the fish a tuna sammich


I am surprised Kim jumped straight to mentioning breastfeeding as an alternative. I honestly thought she would mention bottle feeding. But that's just me. It's not my story, so I won't try to dictate the pages. I like surprises that come out of nowhere in comics....... most of the time. Keep up the great work Star.


struggling to get this into a nice sounding coherent sentence so enjoy the word salad that follows harnessing the heat from star blushing could end global warming.


Your comics never fail to make me smile, or dump a fire under my butt for my own writings.