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So...This page took me 26 million years to draw and that many layers and there was much gnashing of teeth and many many many hours...But I had a lot of fun drawing it. I dont get to play with shading and lighting very often. and jellyfish are my new favourite thing to draw.


Also  There is only a couple of weeks left of voting for the winner of The ursa major award.  I know a lot of you nominated me and im super thankful but Im up against someone who has quadruple the following I do and so if you could possible vote for Shine to WIN (This isnt the same as the nomination stage)  All you need is a valid email address to get a key here https://ursamajorawards.org/voting2021/  Id be super super grateful



It looks amazing!!!


WOW! That's incredible! Love how you drew them out of focus. Star is truly living in the moment. The only question I have though is: what happened to the diaper bag?


Aww! This page is so cool! Definitely one of my top favorites :) The colors and the shading and the focus are all super neat ^.^ And loving Star’s, Kim’s, and Martin’s expressions; and Martin drowning is too funny! 😂 Glub glub :3


Beautiful artwork. The fish are pretty, the jellyfish are jellies! Love it 🥰


Amazing as bc always


Your art is getting so much better too


me doing the usual and being inconsistent with the art...ie. I forgot to add it in :D


Holy cow squiggle that is amazing work Ish buuteefull hehe


She looks like she's having the best time ever.


You've done an amazing job on those aquarium tanks!


Star is definitely coming out of her shell and having fun in little space. She better not drink too much at lunch tough or they might have to make a stop at the family restroom to change Baby Star.


Wow that third panel art is incredible.