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I'm not around on Tuesday so I could either delay this by a week or punt it up now so thought sod it you lot have been well behaved enough that I can give you this early.  February is a short month anywho.


I sometimes feel like I should give folk the translation too (And I think I will do at some point)  But not today. I want you to experience things the same way Star is right now. 



Trying to figure out what language that is


Star wrote about a year ago that she was trying to come up with her own language for a series she did, so I would guess that it isn't a real language


It IS a learnable language though :D It has rules and vocab just like any other so maybe as we go thru this comic I can teach you all :D


Excellent! I look forward to making it the only language I post comments in so I can confuse people that haven't seen this post.


Here I thought maybe star had somehow been conditioned to lose her literacy or something. The whole "I can't read" meme. 😅


Bold of you to assume we’ve been behaving… 😈


Lol i tried using google translate and it detected Albanian, wich sounds accurate but knowing now that you made your own langauge makes my leg feel pulled


The writing looks like a mix of Arabic and Tamil.. curvy letter written languages, and the accents in the pronunciation seem somewhat similar. I’m no linguist, but learning more about the language itself would be interesting :3


I'm as lost as star on this one


I tried google translater too and was supprised that this lenguage wasn‘t found 😁 but i want to know what she says 😢


I smell a setup.


I’m sure that lady will be taking her back to her mommy and daddy


Creating an entire language isn't easy. Maybe this will becomr my second language. Or third after Japanese.


First, being a Cushy Pen subscriber don't try google translate it won't work at all. I feel sorry for Star they give her brother Daniel Langue lesson but not Star. That's Star, but she's only 6 month old so I guess she's supposed to pick it up like a baby right?


I'm guessing she said: "Wow! Oh my goodness. You're so cute!"


I just started reading this comic last week and am in love!