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So...This page.  I almost didn't add the final panel and came close to leaving that resolution out till next week...but it's almost christmas and I dont want to stress anyone out for an entire week, having had a very close friend... no longer here...I just didn't want to toy with folks emotions in that way.  


If you need help please talk to someone, don't just bottle it up and take on all the problems by yourself.  I promise it's back to happier times next week.


Sabrina Liney

Wow this really got to me I just want to cry

samantha rebecca clarkson

It has gotten me as well. Sammy I had a mental breakdown last Thursday and I felt like what you drew. Only I managed to speak to someone. Big hugs for you and for remembering the good friend that we all lost.


Im sorry you was feeling like that Samantha. seriously just drop me a note on telegram @sqynx if you ever need to chat about stuff. That goes for anyone else reading this.


This one hit hard, I got way too often on both sides


Oof. That one got real. It's horrible that people have to live through that situation. Just remember, someone cares. Even if it's just some random person on the internet, someone cares.


I’ve been on both ends of this type of situation as well. It makes me so sad knowing how relatable this type of situation is to so many people. No one should have to feel so desperate, and no one should have to see a loved one in so much pain.


Life is full of stepping stones in a river, sometimes you Slip on the the slick ones and sometimes you can’t see the next one in front of you. The trick in life is to know what you can control to make your path across your own and get through. I myself have been in his shoes in the pasted year two or three times. But I didn’t have someone as wonderful as Star to pull me back. I took a deep breath and realized I was not ready and felt like I was running away from my problems and vowed I wouldn’t anymore. Another great page and very very touching. Wonderful work keep it up.


Wow squiggle this hits a home run I have thought about this same thing many times. Maybe not a bridge but I have jumped many times in my mind just this year just wanting it to stop. When your in that state you don’t care about anything else, your loved ones those who you leave behind nothing. *hugs and tears to all*

Luca 'Renee' Shoal

Mm, a lot of us *vague gesture* generally queer LGBT folk have had similar thoughts to this at one point or another. It's hard sometimes, but I have people that care about me, and that I care about in turn.


Both me and my veteran friend have struggled with suicide over the last year related to PTSD and our deployment to Iraq war, Though we were all in different areas it seem to have affected us in many ways the same. The best part is having some one to talk to and be there for you and in up time and down time too. What Star says in so true, you don't end the pain it remains for ones you leave behind. This also brought up the painful experience of my wife's death eight years ago. She was bipolar and one day took a bunch of pills. I found her dead later that day when I got home. I'll never forget the tears and trauma of that day, Sorry for rambling.


My god. Love you guys. Just know that. *Hugs*

Jared Godwin

Imma be honest, I’ve been in that spot before. I’ve been ready to kill myself out of spite, to push my misery onto those around me. I figured if my family really “loved” me like they said they did, it was the only way I could get back at my abusers. There are still times I wish I had gone through with it. Growing up with the stigma of being the child that my parents didn’t actually want sucked. In spite of it all, I’m still here and I’m proud of that fact. This page, especially with the inclusion of the last panel, reminded me of how proud I am to have survived, and grown beyond, the suicidal thoughts that try to drag me down. Right now I am writing this at the end of a meat grinder of a shift. I am so burnt out that the mere thought of going to work is exhausting. I have another job lined up but I won’t be able to start until mid January. I’m so sick of the bullshit retail makes its workers deal with. Being reminded that I am proud to simply be alive is something I needed more than I realized. As such, I would like to say thank you because this is probably the best Christmas gift I’ll be getting this year.


The only thing keeping me alive right now is the fact that I care about those who I would leave behind. My biological family is not included in that list. I was raised to think I am expendable and by happenstance I really don't care about my life in that sense (I have no self preservation instinct). I just care about not hurting those who would miss me if I was gone. As long as I remain lucid I will never voluntarily commit suicide. However it is possible for me to be in so much pain that I could be driven mad enough to seriously think something constructive could come out of my death (in my mind which would be hypothetically twisted enough that I lose track of reality). This is my day to day existence.