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Theres a content warning on this one for implied homophobia.  I'm not trying to rush these pages but I also don't want to dwell on them too long either, one/possibly 2 more pages before we're out and back into happier stuff, sorry everyone.




I'm sensing a pattern of horrible parents. First Saffy, now with Alex. Ah well, time for that two for one deal down at the Ass-whooping emporium. Gotta get some special orders in for Fathers day.


This is a sad page. The context is that of which I feared for many years before telling my parents. Luckily my Dad has been nothing but supportive. With both being bi and abdl. Not everyone is that lucky and my heart aches for those that don't have that kind of support. Stay strong crinkle butts, you are loved. ❤️

Cloud Grandson

Maybe I've been spending too much time on Reddit but I've seen so many stories like this to the point that this royally pisses me off. On the other hand I will give Alex credit for gathering the courage to come out, consequences or not. Not many have that kind of courage and just come out into the open like that


It breaks my heart to see such lovable characters suffer, but it tears at my soul knowing this is reality for so many people..😢 If it helps even a little bit, I want to say to Everyone: You are valid just the way you are, and don’t let Anyone ever make you think over-wise. 🧡


I’m more scared of telling my dad I’m abdl I might just keep it to my grave…


This is so sad when my sister came out as trans we were supportive but it broke up her first marriage. My mom still calls her by the wrong name but that happen to us all.


Yeah I'm abdl and I couldn't tell any of my parents or step- parents, I'm the badass of my family and they like it that way


Yes it’s normally parental role call, there are four alive, there were five, of us kids, 12 grandkids and 7 great-grandchildren and Mom’s 84


Wow that’s a big family