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A bit of backstory  Im not sure if this page needs a content warning but the next page definetly will.  Im sorry I promise it'll be over pretty quick, but its finally answering some questions about Star's brother that people have been curious about since back in the page 100's




Oof. A stance made out of blinding love for her family.

Sabrina Liney

Poor star, no one should go through that


If only families really thought that way.

Luca 'Renee' Shoal

Oof, me and my terror about coming out to my parents...


Awww star woo woo :(


Some families think that way, it would be so nice if they all would. My best friend has never come out to his dad and now he has Alzheimer’s, he told his step-mom and real mom. They both accept him, so does his brother so that’s good.

Norvin Fisk

oh dear... I kinda figured that was the case.


I wish star manages to reunite with her brother


And of course the next page will be page 420 lol


And this is the reason I afraid of coming out as trans to my family


Oh poor Star :( I see why she carries such guilt. And I hadn’t thought these events with her brother happened so recently, I don’t know why I thought it was maybe when they were teenagers or like 5 years ago. So this is a really fresh wound :(