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um....Ignore that last post...have this one instead...

But also dont ignore the write up of teh previous one cause yeah its kinda heavy




Wow... that got me deep... similar situation with my family...


That's pretty heavy but a good look into how Star feels and thinks in that particular moment


Feels… feels.


Wish I knew what triggered it for me...


*is laying on the ground, paralyzed by immense feels* x_x


I'm not crying, but Star should not feel ashamed of wanting to be loved. She deserves to feels loved, and now she has Martin and Kim to help her.

Sabrina Liney

It's sad on how common this is because this is the exact same way I was thinking at that age. With the same threat and everything 😪


Yep. Pretty much how it went.


Shit this one hit home too well


Gosh thats a heavy but important. As always I appreciate your work so much!!!!


Totally not crying. That hit home. Great page once again! 💕


Wow... just wow... that's deep... I feel like a memory just came back to me...


Wow Gem, I wanna give all the hugs rn


Wow this just really makes me wanna give you a big hug. The sad part is I don't think that this is a very uncommon thing in our community. I know speaking for myself that I've had these exact thoughts.


This is a similar threat I received as a child, and I always wanted to wear longer but I was forced out. I feel it was the root of who I am


Yeah this is definitely a hard-hitting page for sure :( My relationship with my parents deteriorated as I got older, probably because they were less able to control who or what I was and that displeased them... but it's hard not to feel like it's a case of 'I got older and they loved me more when I was small'. Hope your small-self is able to find lots an' lots of love in this world.

Bharda Sullivan

Aiee...dios mio. *hugs* This is too familiar.