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Im not around 2moro or the weekend so have Housebroken a day early

Showing off one of Stars character flaws (Or I suppsoe in a weird way it could be a perk) Where she can't hide when she's enjoying something LOL




okay but like somebody washing your hair feels amazing so i cant really blame star here


I spent a but trying to crack the code on this word and i came to some wierd articles and it just became a wild duck chase.


Totally at a loss, but deeply curious.


Gosh I love peole messing around with my hair...altho that hasnt happened in over a decade haha. but yes totally just melt in anyone brushes me hair. i cant honestly remember the last time someone washed mine...quite a while ago now hahah


Unless this is a “wondering” duck or a “warrior, prince” duck not sure how Errol comes into play hehe


From those of us on Cushy Pen good luck on the langue code, as most of use are still pretty confuzzled as Star did an awesome job in her creation. That's all I'm going to share unless you want to join.