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Hey. most of you know I run a telegram chat for this patreon and over the years ive allowed patreons to add friends and such and as a result had to bring in rules for people not to talk about patreon uploads incase it spoils the comics for those who arent on patreon and havent seen the newest content.

I've realised thats kinda utterly defeated the whole purpose of having a patreon chat in the first place. so I'm making a new patreon ONLY chat.  This means you'll beable to talk about the comics at their current posted pages here and I'll beable to talk about progress on various things like getting book 2 and 3 published and things i've got planned.

 ive relaxed some of the other rules i had to put in place in the current telegram chat.  So if you want to join the patreon exclusive telegram chat

So if you'd like to join, the link is here.  please make sure to read the rules. 




I never joined these more open Telegram group chat... Is the phone number visible for others or is it only the username. Sorry if it's a dumb question ^^;


There is no dumb question i would like to know too 😁


Ive looked and phone number doesnt seem to be visible I dont think it can be because you create a user name and hide behind that. I think if people could see my phone number folk would have rung it already LOL


You can configure telegram to show people only your nick name, your @handle etc. and you can optionally decide if you would like to share your phone number with them. For example my phone number can only be seen by my set up contacts but nobody else. And even that can be locked up even further


You have to sign up with your phone number and username but in telegram, if you click on your profile (settings), click on the (privacy and security) option, then change (phone number) to nobody you should be good


I believe phone numbers are only visible to those who you add as a contact