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I dunno about any of you scraggly lot, but I've def had dreams where Ive had a week long version of every night I would jump into the same scenario and continue with the plan.  Years  and years ago I had a 4-5 night dream where I was the head of some zombie apocalypse survival group.  But everyone also knew I was a little so folk were like patting my head and reading me bedtime stories and stuff yet I was also head strategist and working out ways of getting food and surviving and stuff, and life was okay, our plans were working and we were making progress.  And then on the final night of the dreams two of my closest advisors decided to overthrow me and took half the team on an expidition to catch some weird zombie king and then they all died and I was like...Well done Gerry, everything was going fine until that and then the camp got overrun by zombies and that was the end of it all.  So it is possible to keep returning to the same dream scenario but admitted kinda rare I guess..

Also...speaking of dreams since I have you here....Have any of you ever dreamt of your mobile phone?  I use it daily but Ive never had a dream with a mobile phone in it, which when it was pointed out (Thanks wolfpaw)  That question has just been in my brain ever since.  Why has my phone never turned up in my dreams?  Everyone ive asked so far has said no.  I havent managed to find anyone who has dreamt of their phone yet.  Theres gotta be someone.

Errr sorry...rambling...have a Found page.




That onesie!


I've had dreams continue the next night, I even had one continue months later. No I can't remember a dream involving my phone.


Hehe love the shirt math joke Hehee

Fisk Marellis

Closest I can recall to having a phone in my dreams is hearing it ring and be unable to find it because it was ringing in the conscious world


I remember to have a dream where I was at school naked with a diaper, everyone was laughting at me or saying cute things like i was a baby, some where taking pictures, then I received a notification of a social media with a photo of the scene on the phone. That dream was at a moment where someone created a blog with my names, my place and that i liked to put diapers


Phones and other digital devices are actually really uncommon to interact with in dreams, and I think I know why, Your mind can do a good job at making a convincing facsimile of reality in broad strokes in a dream, but when you start to examine the details is when things tend to start falling apart (this can be really useful if you want to experiment with lucid dreaming). Think of that scene from Inception, where Leo is introducing Page to the dream world. He asks if she can remember how they got there. It's that kind of stuff - the little details that can so easily be brushed aside or ignored, but the more you focus on them, the more you see the problems. Can you recall ever reading a book in a dream? Like, actually reading the *words*? Most people don't, because small printed text is another thing that dreams often screw up. Next time you think you're dreaming, if you can, try to force yourself to look at a digital clock, or text someone, or read a book. What you find may surprise you.


As a matter of technology, I frequently notices a PS1, and when I interact with one of them, likely turning it on, it gives the sony screen like normal, but always transits into those corrupted BIOS screen... Kinda freaks me out here and there. A case of 2 dreams following the timeline, It was an infiltration mission (I was nude lol) and I had to find back my clothes. Once I've reached them, I was spotted, then I woke up. The next night, I was wearing the SAME clothes I picked, but this time, I was trying to escape with a sword. Fortunately, thanks to some lucid dreaming skills, I was able to slash a wall to create an escape route leading me to a better and safer location.

samantha rebecca clarkson

I have dreams that have become reality.. I do not know how their happens


I like your rambles