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Poor Saffy.  I really do feel bad for her.  It's weird cause I never feel bad for Star.  But at least she has Cleo and Varden there to help her now so I'm sure it'll be ok.




Main difference, really, is that saffy literally can't even attempt to change her situation. Star had most of the time options available, even if she didn't see them at first 🤔 But I bet all will end well here :D


The struggle of wanting but feeling ashamed as well is very relatable.


Poor Saf!


the great internal struggle of one's self... I know it well... the battle cry of fearing rejection and judgement... May she one day come to know herself and make peace. Sorry long week, this page brings back some feels.


Saffy needs to admit she wants to become baby Saffy!

Sabrina Liney

Aww poor girl, Vern should play patty cake with her again


Okay, I need to continue the art of these two <3


Amazing. It looks as if there are two voices in her head, one trying to help her and the other telling her to let go. Hopefully Saffy gets better soon but tbh I love this and know that she'll accept after seeing what is happening to her idk


I feel what lead to the hypnosis working so well on her is both of something she enjoys and was secretly trying to hide it and the wine she had in the guy's apartment that could of maybe of not warn off at that time before she went to sleep


This is such an awesome page I can't wait to see the others reactions when they find out, every ab/dl's dream right here, she's so cute...❤️


I think the hippy music worked so well on Saffy cos she deep down wants to be a baby, now she can't make up her regressed baby mind. Maybe it be better if she just stayed a baby mechanic and spent most of her time with Varden?