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I really love this page because Kim's shared so much of herself the past few pages that already Star feels she can trust  enough that she can share something personal about herself.

Star's thought processes are mine here basically. Me and Star are pretty similar in a lot of ways and this is one of the main ways that we're the same....




Powerful page. Thanks for the few last pages with the "there's no dumb questions but maybe some impolite one" especially for those as clueless as star like me x)


You know... There are so many people (whom I kinda know) in our little kinky space who are asexual as well... But seeing Star actually SAYING it out loud‽ It feels weird, but a good kind of weird :'D

samantha rebecca clarkson

That is the one thing I have missed the last 18 months. Until two weeks ago. When I got to hug my friends. I do miss you ikkle one. Stay strong and keep posting these great comics.


Is Star a virgin? With her personality it’s hard to imagine she never found someone she wanted to be intimate with. Though thinking back to her experiences with Mandy and Lure it would explain why she was blushing so badly.


No she's not a virgin Page 253 she basically confesses to having had one night stands and flings and such, its not that she wanted to be intimate more...she needed to try and find ways of unbreaking herself. when youre asexual you spend a chunk of time thinking youre wired wrong and that maybe if you try stuff itll fix you. Im 40 Ive tried all sorts of things trying to work out why it all just leaves me feeling like im doing chores and its only been fairly recently that ive finally accepted that yup none of this sex stuff interests me a single iota


I think you got my favorite page in the comic there


Thank you so much for talking about being ace in this comic. It took me a lot time to reach the point where I could accept being ace, and representation really helps me feel good about my aceness.


R u ok?


Well. That broke my cute meter. That she was so willing to open up. And that last bit about wanting a hug. I completely know that feeling.


Thank you for this page.


Little's say the darndest things LoL


I completely forgot about the one night flings. Though is it really asexual when your diaper gives you that wonderful funny feeling in your no no parts?


Looks like Little Star has a new family to be a part of, Yay


That middle left panel is almost as if i'm saying it, sex is a non-issue, i'm not driven to have it like almost every other male. Even the archaic courtship rituals just feels like a hassle, too much work with no guarantee it'll pan out.