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So....This page...

Again a question pretty much all my trans friends have been asked at some point, yet funnily enough no-ones ever asked me...or basically ANYONE who isn't trans. 

 Am I mortified by Star's questions?  Absouletly. But she's not a perfect character and luckily she learns from her mistakes fairly quickly.   

Once again, Kim had creative rights to how she handled Stars questions. I wanted this conversation to be authentic to Kim as a person, and whilst other trans people I know may have handled this series of questions differently this is how Kim chose to run with this scene. I am grateful for her patience and gracefulness  in how she chose to deal with Star.




The face in that 4th panel is pretty funny




that was very well done, it felt like I real world interactions my favorite line. "STAR!!!!" 😂 Hopefully that doesn't become a meme LoL I should just answer every question like that just say Stars or star it would make no sense it would be fun 😜


Martin is like Holy feck!! you went THERE? Why the hell would you go THERE????? Star needs a swat with a rolled up newspaper LOL


STAR NO- I get she doesn’t mean harm but not a grand idea 😳 but like you said, Kim is such a laid back person she understands, but is willing to put star in her place which she is 100% to do. Never hurts to learn!


Kim really makes Star squirm here, like she could have gone so many different routes but the way Kim handles it def teaches Star a very short sharp but important lesson.

Sabrina Liney

Wow I'm learning so much about trance people through star and well I never knew myself. I know stars pain


I love Kim's face when she's got Star perfectly wrapped around her finger. It's so dominant and inspiring


I love how Kim just told her calmly that it wasn't important for her. I think I see a new mommy coming for star soon?? 🥰🥰


Honestly as someone who's Trans-nonbinary, I really love this interaction! Most people only understand what's in popular media, and patiently teaching them is always helpful! :D


Ah, bless. I think I've gotten that question a few times. Another common answer, if Kim didn't tell you then, is "if you're not my doctor or asking to sleep with me, then it's not your cvoncern."


We all make mistakes. But if they are are honestly mistakes and we make every effort to learn from them then its not a big deal. Got to say i love how this one was dealt with.

Jared Godwin

The further we get into this series of pages, the more greatful I am for them. As someone who has little to no exposure to trans people irl, it really helps me to figure things out without looking quite foolish


Wow, I just noticed that you are resolving one topic/question per page! Kudos for that! It's a Good thing that they don't end with a cliffhanger.


Yeah theres no way im gonna mess with people on these pages or drag the questioning out not that I mean to rush through or anything, I just dont want to leave things open in an ambiguos way


Let me just say, as a trans person, that I adore the way Kim is handling this line of questioning. I've never really dealt with it because I'm way too open about my own transition, but kudos to her for her approach. And loving Star's reaction to being put in her place. Brilliant work. <3

None ya

Star needs spanks after this convo


It’s been a minute since we’ve seen star in pamps, she’s going to make a mess on the floor soon if she’s doesn’t get a diaper on ASAP.


Well most babies try to eat their feet at some point. Guess its Stars turn. Amazing page dealing with real things here. Great as always!


I love this character. She's fun 😛


Really enjoying the way this is being handled, and also helping with some good responses to the questions we're kinda asked a lot


I just looked back and realized that Star wouldn't have to ask about Manda's and Lure's genitals as she's seen them. First when she saw Lure get his diaper changed and then again when her saw Manda and Lure have some sexy time. Of course they did give her, her own sexy time with the diapers and the plastic pants with the vibrator, while she was restrained in the crib so I guess? But she never asked about Martins, but you think she would have felt them while sitting on his lap as much as she has,

Bharda Sullivan

Ah, me...I do hope that now she’s learned her lesson, Star gets some hugs & comforting from her new mum.