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It's weird how sometimes the smallest of gestures can have such an impact, just being lightly fussed over, a pat on the head, having your hand held to cross the street, crumbs wiped from your face, not making a song and dance about it but it just happening makes the whole being a kid thing feel more authentic.

Stars purring (Im sure ive mentioned this before)  is involuntary and its kinda like hiccups in that if she's purring it interrupts her talking so she cant talk and purrr at the same time so if you ever want peace and quiet just make her super happy and then she wont beable to talk LOL


I should say I'm working very closely with Kim on this upcoming scene to the point where we've been hashing out the dialogue together. Its the only time I've allowed someone else to have any kind of creative input in the comic but the next few pages are kinda important to get right



Oh no I love Kim more now. Being brave and open enough to just, come right out about it.


Kim is amazing for being up front about it


I’ve almost had the same experience with a good friend of mine. I was the first person that she wanted to tell about her transition. She was just as serious and I felt exactly like Star. So I’m sure she’ll react exactly the same like me 😋


Ok, I know I have to wait a week, but I can't imagine Star reacting negatively... maybe just a confused blink and an "that's all?" or, seeing the conversation between Martin and Kim, "I am sorry that this caused you problems before"... But that wouldn't be the first time I got surprised :D Whatever it is I am sure it's all good in the end, espacially if you collab with Kim in that scene ^^


:o Didn't see that one coming. I like how you bring out these surprises. Just when I think I know what's gonna happen, all of the sudden, you go a direction I didn't expect. And I love these surprises. Keep up the good work.


all i could think was "lol is that all" but there IS a reason most of my friends are trans


Your killing me smalls, a whole week huh?


Love it!


That's a twist but not an unwelcomed one. I love it~💕


Awwwwh Kimmmm <3 I know all too well the brick you feel in your stomach when you have the "I'm going to come out with it" preamble. I'm so happy that her input was considered to make this as accurate and sensitive as possible! We used to speak a while ago, amusingly one of the last messages she sent me was how she's finally starting HRT :D


amazing addition with so good


I was dumped about a month ago after coming out, so I’m soooooo happy and excited to see it handled well in my favorite comic! I’m sure you’ll do great with it.


You nailed the set up to this. I suspected from a few comics Back when star was sitting on her lap and She got all quiet.


Oh how fun


😮 Honestly just when I think this story can’t get any more intriguing...well...keep up the good work. We’re all rooting for you.


Star still has her Mommy and Daddy, just a different kind of Mommy she won't mind, Star will be alright as long as she is loved.

Jared Godwin

That’s the big reveal? I can’t see a reason why Star would have an issue with this. Nice attempt at a cliffhanger on this page though.


i was like "uhh... thats all?" but i guess just because for me it is normal if others are trans doesn't mean that it is like that with everyone sadly


I'm really happy to see you include a specifically trans character in Shine <3 I wonder how Star is gonna react... hopefully she can give Kim a big hug when revelation time is all over.