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I cant believe how close to 400 pages this comic has gotten HOly heck it is gonna be a monster by the time it's finished. Anyway have quite a heart warming page and sorry this was a little late going up, thankyou for your patience, it is always appreciated




Do we ever find out more about how they got hurt or is it left at that ?


Baby Star went sleepy but her Mommy and Daddy will take good care of her. Just hope she doesn’t wet the back seat.😳 Looks like she needs a drooler bib pretty bad already.


You can't rush perfection besides gives me something to look forward to ❤️


A little late, a little early, what does is matter? It’s here right? 😘


Time did it, plot twist. Pain is relative. It's a Magic Duel.


so far i have loved every comic page! i hope this becomes a hard copy book when it is finished! <3 love it keep up the good work friend!


This is the kind of setup I jive with, all three are on relatively the same wavelength but still know COMMUNICATION IS KEY


Soooooo cute!!!

Kitty Angel

I wonder how the effort compares between 400 pages of comic and 400 chapters of a book. I suspect you've done more work on this story than I ever did; and I'm glad to see there's still so many people following Star's adventures. Think there's another hundred pages still to come?


So fudging cute hehe love this story so much, you truly are a star and a gem keep being awesome Squiggle


Omg. This might be my favorite page so far. Part of why I love this comic is there so much more to it than naughty fun. You really show some very important things that are needed to have a healthy way of doing this.


All my feels!!!!!!!!


AAA Star is not their first ...child


To think about 100 pages ago Star was living her worst possible nightmare, and here she is now sleeping while her dreams are coming true in front of her.


I'm looking forward to print volume 2! Is that happening?


OMG Star just might be the luckiest lynx in the world.


The first print was awesome. I can’t wait for the second book.


OMG Star is cute keep the grat wourk

Sabrina Liney

Please tell me that they will be like a family


I called it!!!!! When I read pg 390 I was please let him and her be Star's mommy and daddy and it looks like that's what is happening 😊