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That fear of coming on too strong, Like you wanna go at 100 miles an hour but you know if you do that you're just gonna ruin everything....

Deep breaths. If it happens, It happens

Also Im very much like Martin, when ever I perform I got into starvation mode.  I cant eat before a gig.  One of my very first gigs was a 3 day festival, I was performing on day three quite early in the day.  I barely ate or drank anything day 1 and 2 I was soooo nervous my stomach just wouldnt allow it.  I finished my set on day three and was instantly ravenous I transformed into the cookie monster (if the cookie monster wanted bacon sandwiches and beer HAHAHAHAHAH Anyway have a Shine page.  This one really makes me wanna give Star a hug




Star looks adorable in that lady panel~💕


So cute!


soooooooo cute


Love it! Sooo cute <3


Oh my heart that's adorable 😍

Sabrina Liney

Every littles dream I want this so fricken bad. I love this story


WOOOHOOO!!! I could howl at the moon!


Oh my god thats so cute!


Omg a mommy and a daddy would be amazing. Hoping the best for Star. Honestly I have a feeling Paul and Kim might want a baby just as much.


Muh heart. Muh soul


A Mommy and Daddy for Star a dream come true. I think Kim and Paul might like the idea as much as Star by the way it sounds. The last panel is way to cute can it be made into a background?




I LITERALLY live for this adorable comic. Please never stop making it!!! Pwease fankuu. =^_^=

samantha rebecca clarkson

Yep she has turned into a right cutie. Great work little one. You will get big hugs when we meet up again.


one can only hope the idea of them becoming Star's Caregivers becomes a reality which it obviously will but still fingers crossed


I'm curious to see what happens in the next page. You really know how to keep us reeled in Star.


This would be so cool! A mommy and a daddy, maybe they can go to the park with star in a animal onesie and they treat her like a toddler


I experienced this exact same moment when I met my first mommy and daddy!


Based on just the dialogue from Star I think they need to sit down and talk it out obviously but I think the correct route from there would be a trial run to see how she adapts and adjusts